Ways to Create Our Own Lead List (done for now, waiting for lead list on 12.2.24)

LinkedIn scrapper

Current gameplan

Using SERP on google search. Example: ("Alek Turkmen") ("United States")

Will result in

Then can input a bunch of linked urls into

  1. Custom made scrapper bot using rotating proxies


  1. Pay for a service where input is linkedin url and output is info

Referee Report #3 (done)

Add a Stripe payments page (done)

Redirects to /success or /cancel depending on the action taken.

Youtube Heatmap (unfinished)

Channel Name: Alek Turkmen Channel ID: UCIBKxc6gad64c04ML9y3p0Q

Progress made:

Google Cloud Platform (w/ youtube api + desktop app auth)

Retreive credentials.json from this

Local Code (creates a token.json for future access)

(this token should be able to pull all information regarding my youtube channel, although before it was only pulling info from random livestreams on yt).

(potentially next time, feed documentation to llm)

npx supabase functions deploy youtube-livestream-fetch

npx supabase secrets set YOUTUBE_API_KEY=AIzaSyC2I_7x005rZLAroyWzwImZObp819xsbf4 npx supabase secrets set SB_URL= npx supabase secrets set SB_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZSIsInJlZiI6ImJwaGd4YmR0b2ZqcHhpdW1hc3ljIiwicm9sZSI6ImFub24iLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI3Mzc1MTYsImV4cCI6MjA0ODMxMzUxNn0.pMZpbKbJ-fS9XpmwXCMbvjTOfAW7OfvlVD_IQJ6U7Rc