
  1. Build an unbreakable foundation.

    The foundation for being a great founder is so underrated. Being a good founder is easy, if you have the intelligence and will power, you will at the vary least get a modicum of founder success. But to be a great founder you need a concrete foundation. Healthy mind, body, habits, friendships, support, financials. Here’s what I would do:

    Mind → Meditate weekly, read anything you have a genuine curiosity for, remove social media.

    Body → Exercise once a week, remove alcohol, drink water, meal prep.

    Habits → Never rely on discipline to keep great habits going, instead create systems that will force habits to exist indefinitely.

    Friends → (also influences) Your 5 closest friends are an average of yourself. If one of them isn’t the ideal version of yourself, remove them. Remove cancers early.

    Support → Parents and significant others are the best support mechanisms.

    Financials → Spending money has a snowballing effect. Only spend on essentials and back into the business. Spending on others is also fine.

  2. Channeling tenacity.

    Get yourself back on your feet and get back to work. Did you think changing the world would be easy? Fuck no, it’s a right of passage. Not all people make it through, but you will. You have what it takes.

    Next time your at your rock bottom, think about all the people that are too deep into their career choices to make pivots in life. Being at rock bottom, you actually have the freedom to pick literally anything and everything you do next. It’s really a blessing in disguise.

  3. The sacrifices you will have to make.

    You won’t be in the top 1% of founders unless you are willing to do things that only 1% of founders do. This primarily involves sacrificing free time, removing hedonistic beliefs, saying no to friends literally all the time, eating glass (fixing problems no one wants to fix).

  4. Stop being selfish.

    I don’t care how good you are at hiding your selfishness, someone will always find out eventually. Share value, ideas, resources, connections with others.

Looking to be a Co-Founder?

Send me an email at:

aleknturkmen [at] gmail [dot] com

In the email, tell me the coolest thing you’ve done and the 10x superpower you have.