only allowed to have 10 project ideas at a time

  1. Shopping List Visualizer
  2. Anxiety Inducing Goal Setting App
  3. Remake entire personal website, make it react based
  4. The alphabet challenge (26 months)
    1. B for Belvedere, N for Nepo,
  5. Live sports game, real time scoring and prediction model
  6. AI model that does street level advertising. Real time, with interactions.
  7. Open sourced software development. A project and it’s scope is outlined in a document. An AI handles all pull and push requests to the main branch. Based on percentage of each developer’s contribution they will make that much in percentage of revenue generated.
  8. B2B lead list and contact for companies to market to college students.
    1. Can have a lead lists from a bunch of slack channels, etc.

Project names I like



