Extra Info

Every day an entirely new styling and formatting, but unique variables stay the same

See if automated emails can have certain tags (only with Gmail API)

Crafting Cold Email (left off here)

Custom Email to Leads 1

Hey <leadFirstName>,

<emailWord1> your linkedin and <emailWord2> to see it <emailWord3> from all the <emailWord4> accounts that are out there.

<emailWord5>, I <emailWord6> you might be looking to get a job/internship. <emailWord7> you’re applying to <emailWord8> and sending mass cold emails to <emailWord9>?

Given that you’re a student @ NYU looking into <userInterest> jobs, I wanted to share with you some people you should cold email for a job:

<employerName1> | <employerPosition1> @ <employerCompany1> | LinkedIn<”employerLinkedinURL1”>

<employerName2> | <employerPosition2> @ <employerCompany2> | LinkedIn<”employerLinkedinURL2”>

<employerName3> | <employerPosition3> @ <employerCompany3> | LinkedIn<”employerLinkedinURL3”>

I drafted up some cold emails you can send each founder here<"leadLuckilyLink">.


-Person<”https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekturkmen/”> Who Slides Into DMs (Professionally)

Custom Email to Leads 2

Custom Email to Leads 3